Newsletter nr. 9 - August 2018

Welcome to the ninth newsletter of the Jean Monnet Module EU*Ro Media, European Standards, Ro-manian Application: The Media Roadmap for Romania's EU Council Presidency, co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. In this issue you will find information re-garding the background and rationale of the proposal, the participants, the objectives, activities and the up-coming events hosted by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, in order to promote the project.
The current edition contains information on the summer courses of the Jean Monnet Module EU*Ro Media, European Standards, Romanian Application: The Media Roadmap for Romania's EU Council Presidency, as well as on the organization of the Closing Conference of the Project.
Last modified:
Tuesday, 1 August, 2023 - 19:02
Delivery date:
Wednesday, 1 August, 2018