Newsletter nr. 7 - December 2017

Welcome to the seventh newsletter of the Jean Monnet Module EU*Ro Media, European Standards, Romanian Application: The Media Roadmap for Romania's EU Council Presidency, co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. In this issue you will find information re-garding the background and rationale of the proposal, the participants, the objectives, activities and the up-coming events hosted by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, in order to promote the project.
The current edition contains information on the event titled The South-Eastern Perspective on the Pres-idency of the Council of the European Union. A conversation with the media, which took place on December 7th, 2017, at the SNSPA headquarters in Expoziției Bvd. 30A where we had the pleasure of host-ing the Ambassadors of Bulgaria and Croatia respectively - two Member States of the Union that will exer-cise the Council Presidency in the period 2018-2020 - together with a representative of the Romanian Min-istry of Foreign Affairs and media representatives with expertise on the Western Balkans and European Af-fairs area. In addition to promoting the interim results of the project and launching an invitation to attend the next summer courses of the Module to the present audience, the debate was aimed at discussing the re-gional vision regarding the takeover of the Presidency, as well as the importance of public communication as part of holding this mandate.
Last modified:
Tuesday, 1 August, 2023 - 19:02
Delivery date:
Friday, 1 December, 2017